Roll Laminating Film

  • 274001-6-2__63418 gfp-brand-500x500_3

    Kraft Paper 30# Brown 43"

    Brown Kraft paper 30# (40 gsm) made from virgin fibers with low re-pulped mill scrap content, and double-side machine calendaredfinished for smooth operation. It is used as a backing paper for PSA film single-sided lamination to protect laminator rollers...
    MSRP: $3,095.00
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  • 41c08buRaVL._SX522_ gfp-brand-500x500_3

    Gloss - Monomeric UV 3 Mil Vinyl 38"

    Gfp Film Overlaminates is the critical final step in protecting and extending image life Gfp Pressure sensitive Film Products deliver trouble-free finishing of the most demanding wide format digital print applications indoors or outdoors. Overlaminates...
    MSRP: $3,095.00
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  • 274001-6-2__63418 gfp-brand-500x500_3

    Kraft Paper 30# Brown 51"

    Brown Kraft paper 30# (40 gsm) made from virgin fibers with low re-pulped mill scrap content, and double-side machine calendaredfinished for smooth operation. It is used as a backing paper for PSA film single-sided lamination to protect laminator rollers...
    MSRP: $3,095.00
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  • 41c08buRaVL._SX522_ gfp-brand-500x500_3

    Gloss - Monomeric UV 3 Mil Vinyl 43"

    Gfp Film Overlaminates is the critical final step in protecting and extending image life Gfp Pressure sensitive Film Products deliver trouble-free finishing of the most demanding wide format digital print applications indoors or outdoors. Overlaminates...
    MSRP: $3,095.00
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  • 274001-6-2__63418 gfp-brand-500x500_3

    Kraft Paper 30# Brown 55"

    Brown Kraft paper 30# (40 gsm) made from virgin fibers with low re-pulped mill scrap content, and double-side machine calendaredfinished for smooth operation. It is used as a backing paper for PSA film single-sided lamination to protect laminator rollers...
    MSRP: $3,095.00
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  • 41c08buRaVL._SX522_ gfp-brand-500x500_3

    Gloss - Monomeric UV 3 Mil Vinyl 51"

    Gfp Film Overlaminates is the critical final step in protecting and extending image life Gfp Pressure sensitive Film Products deliver trouble-free finishing of the most demanding wide format digital print applications indoors or outdoors. Overlaminates...
    MSRP: $3,095.00
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  • SmartLoad_Laminting_Film_3_mil

    3 Mil 12" X 250' Glossy SmartLoad Laminating Film

    SmartLoad Laminating Film is designed to be used specifically with the SircleLam SmartLoad 12 - 12" Roll Laminator. SmartLoad Laminating Film is engineered to make the laminating process simple and seamless from start to finish by eliminating errors...
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